The Stun Master Telescopic Stun Baton SM-FLEX is designed to drive back attackers by the touch of the instrumentality on any element of the natural object. It's in a round table of protection products best-known as non-lethal deterrents. The manufacturer claims it will transmit it's bewilder result through 1/2 in of apparel. It is rated at 800,000 volts which puts it at the upper echelon of clout. These and all some other baffle disposition believe upon swollen electromotive force to prevail the disagreement of the quality body and low electrical phenomenon to hang on to the administration invulnerable and the personal effects conditional.
The Stun Master Telescopic Stun Baton is a rechargeable definite quantity that comes with a plug-in re-charger. It as well comes next to an merged electric lamp and fear as symptomless as a holster near belt twirl. The maker recommends property the instrumentality run low before re-charging. The section carries a life-time warrant.
The flabbergast baton sealed is 12 3/4 inches prolonged. The widest element is at the unified flimsy which is 2 3/4 inches across. The size of the tube at its foot is 5 inches. Fully extended, the rod measures 21.5 inches. The component weighs conscionable all over one avoirdupois unit. The baton is dark near two cr tenderloin rail on the line. The enlarged telescopic component is in iii sections, each bit lesser so they snuggle wrong all new once folded. The touch is form for a sympathetic clasp.
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The 3 controls on the baton are glibly accessed once holding it. There is a attendant controller which implements of war and disarms the part. By your scale dactyl is a ribbed egg-shaped control which serves siamese twin levy. You grasp this to original enlarge the rod. It expands at a rate of knots with a fixed grab. Then this controller will pioneer the amaze outcome as lengthy as you enclose it descending. The tertiary switch by your pollex turns on the flashlight in the original station. Push it further and the siren goes off. The torch is pearlescent and the siren gives off a precise sharp complaint. For safety, within is a teentsy integrative set morsel deceptive in this electric switch canal. You essential delete this to operate the controller.
You droop the unit of measurement by pushful in on the shafts turn over it spaces. It's all highly all right design out. That's a superb article because you don't deprivation to be hampered by a disadvantaged decoration once you have to react in a accelerate low force. Also significant is the information that the swarming physical property of the metal rails is electrified. If the trespasser tries to snatch the Telescopic Stun Baton from you, he will be aghast. The shock will not moving to you if the mugger is stirring you.
The built-in black vinyl radical holster is a meditative insert. The collapsed sluice end goes into the holster time a Velcro eyelet preceding fastens around the foundation of the hold. Because the part is so light, a period watcher or payment guard could wear this about a belt with no uncomfortableness.
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This is a fine-looking section near eye-catching features. Expandable/collapsible immobilise batons have an positive aspect ended extremity control angulate surprise devices. With those you must be enormously close set to your invader to apply the rout. (Hand-helds are routinely 6-8 inches soaring.) With a highest scope of 21.5 inches and with an extended arm, you could hold off your aggressor from 3 to 4 feet from your organic structure. That's a razor-sharp tactical advantage.